Drops from toenail fungus, like other local drugs, act on the principle of fungicidal and fungistatic action, which leads to the destruction of fungal spores in diseased areas and prevents their spread to healthy areas. In some cases, the drugs are endowed with a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.
Onychomycosis - a fungal infection of the nail plate can be treated externally only at the initial stage of the disease, since subsequently the problem areas of the tissues are covered with keratinized tissue, which prevents deep penetration of external agents.

Feature of using drops from the mushroom
When treating a fungus, one should take into account the fact that it is quite easy to get infected with its spores, but it is difficult to cure, so at the slightest sign it is necessary to apply drops of the fungus on the nails, signs can be likebe as follows:
- lesions between toes and feet;
- The presence of severe itching;
- redness and peeling of the foot;
- The skin may become covered with watery blisters;
- The nail plate undergoes structural changes - yellowing, streaking, detachment of the plate and others.
Important: today the drops have a fairly effective effect and act at any stage of fungal development, only with a running form they need to be taken in combination with preparations for internal use.
The use of just drops is allowed at the initial stage of the development of the problem, and the degree of damage is determined exclusively by a specialist.

Important: drops should be applied with a nail file or scissors after preliminary cleaning of the nail plate from dirt and dead particles. Only such use of medicines will give the maximum result.
After application, modern drugs act in two directions at once - they treat and prevent further development. Such an effect has a positive effect, however, only a dermatologist should prescribe drops, he will accurately select the necessary drug based on laboratory tests.
When choosing a specialist, the following is taken into account:
- characteristics of the patient's health;
- the stage of the disease;
- Allergic reactions to some components.
Only in this case can a full recovery be achieved.
How do these drugs work

During use, the pharmacodynamics of nail fungus drops are expressed in the destruction of the fungal membrane and the intracellular blockade of biosynthesis, that is, the prevention of the ability to reproduce.
Today, most drops stop the production of ergosterol, a hydrocarbon compound in the fungus's cell membrane that prevents cell growth and therefore the ability to occupy new territories.
Due to the accumulation of the components of the drug in the tissues, the viability of the bacteria completely disappears.
Drugs are applied externally, their active substances penetrate into the damaged tissues and accumulate in the nail plate, due to which the therapeutic effect begins.
No more than 4 - 6% of the total volume of the active substance enters the blood, after which they are excreted with feces and urine.
The main contraindications to drops from the fungus
Any drug against fungi has contraindications, which are limited to 3 positions:

- Individual intolerance - many people suffer from allergic reactions to certain components, there may also be increased sensitivity to them, which makes it impossible to use these funds;
- Children under 10 years old - here each drug is individual, it all depends on the constituent component and the presence of diseases or allergies in the child;
- Pregnancy and lactation - each instruction indicates that the use of nail fungus drops in this position of a woman is permissible only with the necessary benefit that exceeds the risks to the fetus and baby.
Among other things, you can not use drops with open wounds and suppuration.
All these contraindications indicate that modern drugs are quite serious means and cannot be treated like a cosmetic cream. All of this means it's not safe to use them alone as no one knows what kind of fungus hit their foot.
Self-use can, at best, temporarily dampen the problem, as evidenced by the numerous reviews of network users who say that there is no way to completely get rid of nail fungus, but only to stop the disease for a while - all this is the result of self-treatment.
Nail fungus is a rather serious and unpleasant disease that is not so easy to cure, you should not hope to get rid of it in a short time. If it is available, then you need to stock up on the patience and knowledge of specialists, act according to their instructions, and then positive results will surely come.